"Storm Clouds"
"Storm Clouds"

Small acrylic painting on watercolor paper

"Night Colors" No longer available
"Night Colors" No longer available

Small acrylic painting on watercolor paper

"Waiting" No longer available
"Waiting" No longer available
"Green Spaces" No longer available
"Green Spaces" No longer available
"Night Sky" No longer available
"Night Sky" No longer available
"Skyscraper Sunset"
"Skyscraper Sunset"
"Moon Garden" No longer available
"Moon Garden" No longer available
"One Tree and a Broken Sun" No longer available
"One Tree and a Broken Sun" No longer available
"Yellow Flowers" No longer available
"Yellow Flowers" No longer available
"After The Rain" No longer available
"After The Rain" No longer available
"One Of Those Days"
"One Of Those Days"

Small abstract om watercolor paper

"Balance" no longer available
"Balance" no longer available
"Spring Forest"
"Spring Forest"
Musical Renditions "Wild Notes"
Musical Renditions "Wild Notes"
"Ice & Water" no longer available
"Ice & Water" no longer available
"Sapsucker Markings" no longer available
"Sapsucker Markings" no longer available
"Heart of Winter"
"Heart of Winter"
"Bonfire" no longer available
"Bonfire" no longer available
Musical Renditions "Crashing Sounds" no longer available
Musical Renditions "Crashing Sounds" no longer available
"A Rough Sea" no longer available
"A Rough Sea" no longer available
"Earth" no longer available
"Earth" no longer available
"Quintessential Monarch" no longer available
"Quintessential Monarch" no longer available
"Blue Butterfly"
"Blue Butterfly"
"The Dragonfly"
"The Dragonfly"
"Piece of the Pie" no longer available
"Piece of the Pie" no longer available
"Dismantled" no longer available
"Dismantled" no longer available
"Dancers" no longer available
"Dancers" no longer available
"Thunder & Lightning"
"Thunder & Lightning"
"Dimensions" no longer available
"Dimensions" no longer available
"Marsh Grass" no longer available
"Marsh Grass" no longer available

Acrylic Collage

"August Night" no longer available
"August Night" no longer available
"Wind Held Secrets" no longer available
"Wind Held Secrets" no longer available
"Rhythmic Motion" no longer available
"Rhythmic Motion" no longer available
"Making Rain" no longer available
"Making Rain" no longer available
"Runners on the Beach"
"Runners on the Beach"

Mixed media on watercolor paper

"Saving the Bluebird"
"Saving the Bluebird"

Acrylic on canvas

"Passage of a Spring Storm" no longer available
"Passage of a Spring Storm" no longer available

Acrylic collage on canvas and watercolor paper

"Finding Summer"
"Finding Summer"

Acrylic on canvas

"Saving the Blue Bird" no longer available
"Saving the Blue Bird" no longer available


"Prehistoric Child" no longer available
"Prehistoric Child" no longer available
"Ripples and Pools"
"Ripples and Pools"
"Abstract Iris"
"Abstract Iris"

Acrylic collage on canvas

"Moments of Brightness and Clarity" no longer available
"Moments of Brightness and Clarity" no longer available

Acrylic collage on canvas

"Peony Petals" no longer available
"Peony Petals" no longer available

Acrylic on canvas

"A Moment in Time"
"A Moment in Time"

Acrylic on Canvas

"Blue Rain" no longer available
"Blue Rain" no longer available
"Parallel Paths"
"Parallel Paths"
"Storm Clouds"
"Night Colors" No longer available
"Waiting" No longer available
"Green Spaces" No longer available
"Night Sky" No longer available
"Skyscraper Sunset"
"Moon Garden" No longer available
"One Tree and a Broken Sun" No longer available
"Yellow Flowers" No longer available
"After The Rain" No longer available
"One Of Those Days"
"Balance" no longer available
"Spring Forest"
Musical Renditions "Wild Notes"
"Ice & Water" no longer available
"Sapsucker Markings" no longer available
"Heart of Winter"
"Bonfire" no longer available
Musical Renditions "Crashing Sounds" no longer available
"A Rough Sea" no longer available
"Earth" no longer available
"Quintessential Monarch" no longer available
"Blue Butterfly"
"The Dragonfly"
"Piece of the Pie" no longer available
"Dismantled" no longer available
"Dancers" no longer available
"Thunder & Lightning"
"Dimensions" no longer available
"Marsh Grass" no longer available
"August Night" no longer available
"Wind Held Secrets" no longer available
"Rhythmic Motion" no longer available
"Making Rain" no longer available
"Runners on the Beach"
"Saving the Bluebird"
"Passage of a Spring Storm" no longer available
"Finding Summer"
"Saving the Blue Bird" no longer available
"Prehistoric Child" no longer available
"Ripples and Pools"
"Abstract Iris"
"Moments of Brightness and Clarity" no longer available
"Peony Petals" no longer available
"A Moment in Time"
"Blue Rain" no longer available
"Parallel Paths"
"Storm Clouds"

Small acrylic painting on watercolor paper

"Night Colors" No longer available

Small acrylic painting on watercolor paper

"Waiting" No longer available
"Green Spaces" No longer available
"Night Sky" No longer available
"Skyscraper Sunset"
"Moon Garden" No longer available
"One Tree and a Broken Sun" No longer available
"Yellow Flowers" No longer available
"After The Rain" No longer available
"One Of Those Days"

Small abstract om watercolor paper

"Balance" no longer available
"Spring Forest"
Musical Renditions "Wild Notes"
"Ice & Water" no longer available
"Sapsucker Markings" no longer available
"Heart of Winter"
"Bonfire" no longer available
Musical Renditions "Crashing Sounds" no longer available
"A Rough Sea" no longer available
"Earth" no longer available
"Quintessential Monarch" no longer available
"Blue Butterfly"
"The Dragonfly"
"Piece of the Pie" no longer available
"Dismantled" no longer available
"Dancers" no longer available
"Thunder & Lightning"
"Dimensions" no longer available
"Marsh Grass" no longer available

Acrylic Collage

"August Night" no longer available
"Wind Held Secrets" no longer available
"Rhythmic Motion" no longer available
"Making Rain" no longer available
"Runners on the Beach"

Mixed media on watercolor paper

"Saving the Bluebird"

Acrylic on canvas

"Passage of a Spring Storm" no longer available

Acrylic collage on canvas and watercolor paper

"Finding Summer"

Acrylic on canvas

"Saving the Blue Bird" no longer available


"Prehistoric Child" no longer available
"Ripples and Pools"
"Abstract Iris"

Acrylic collage on canvas

"Moments of Brightness and Clarity" no longer available

Acrylic collage on canvas

"Peony Petals" no longer available

Acrylic on canvas

"A Moment in Time"

Acrylic on Canvas

"Blue Rain" no longer available
"Parallel Paths"
show thumbnails